St Francis Flooding 2011 –  Full Report

St Francis 2011 Flood

Above Photo extracted from report

St Francis Today has received the attached document (PDF format) from Spangenberg Attorneys compiled by Professor Ellery detailing the causes for the 2011 floods, which eventually washed away the bridge crossing the Sand River and deposited large volumes of sand forming the delta where the Sand and Krom Rivers meet.

Many St. Francis locals are under the mistaken impression that the floods were as a result of the St. Francis Links development, which is evidently untrue. These misconceptions were the result of a report compiled by a certain Mr. Theo Geldenhuys in 2012, which relied solely on the views of local residents and contained no form of scientific or quantitative observations or measurements.

The report sent herewith is informative and serves to enlighten those who seek to blame all but nature itself.

We suggest you download and read the report at your leisure for it is quite detailed

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