St Francis Bay Property Transfers: 2024 so far (with the 2023 figures in brackets) – by Richard Arderne
Highest Prices
Canals: R28m (R29.3m)
Links: R9.1m (R10.8m)
Village: R9m (R6.5m)
Port: R6.9m (R4.8m)
Santareme: R4.9m (R12.7m)
Cape St Francis: R20m
Plot: R10m (CSF)
How many?
Over R20m: 1 (Canals)
Over R15m: 3 (2)
(Canals 2, CSF 1)
Over R10m: 11 (11)
(Canals 9, CSF 1, Links 1)
Over R5m: 61 (39)
(Links 24, Canals 21, CSF 10, Village 5, Port 1, Santareme 0)
(10 of the Links 24 were Sectional Title)
Total St Francis Bay Property Transfers
331 (389)
Links 81, Santareme 67, Village 66, CSF 47, Canals 41, Port 14, Industrial 10, Sea Vista 5
Total Value: R982m (R926m)
Under R1m: 103
(mostly plots, but 11 of them Sectional Title units, mostly industrial)
Sectional Title: 78 units
(mostly Links Villas, Homestead Views, Industrial and Port)
15 plots below R400/m2
16 Sectional Title units above R25,000/m2 (Links Villas, Seaglades, Ships Bell)
Note that Lightstone provides the figures and include sales by all estate agencies and private sales, but exclude three substantial developments: Grand Commoros (no transfers, life right), Quaysyde (no transfers yet) and Port View (rentals)
See also: Billy’s and Ballies: Get Ready – Notes From The Editor
Please note that the Grand Comoros is sectional title, not life rights as I have just bought there.
Fascinating Information – Thankyou.
Hope you will publish similar info periodically.
Do you have anything that shows the trends for SFB over say the last 10 or more years?
Good idea, I’ll try to provide that some time