The bumper summer issue of Wildside Times Magazine—a local St Francis Bay Magazine—is already in production and will be on the shelves by December.

It will feature local faces, businesses, events, happenings, and listings on what’s going down in and around the village during the festive season.

Kromme Enviro-Trust, FOSTER

The Kromme Enviro-Trust, FOSTER, and other societies and clubs from St Francis Bay will also be featured, as well as look-backs on the significant events that took place during the year in St Francis Bay and Cape St Francis.

The magazine also has sports events and happenings, restaurant reviews, interviews, guest journalist articles, and more. This extensive coverage will keep you well-informed about the summer activities in our community.


If you’re interested in advertising or have something that might be deemed worthy of being in print, please reach out to the editor at

Advertising rates are decent and while sales have been brisk, there are still open advertising slots with the pages of the magazine.

Bright, fun, and entertaining, it features guest writers, interviews, local club and association summer experiences, and more. 

Advertising rates have stayed the same for this issue for the last two years.

Double page R7k

Full page R4k

Half page R2k

Quarter page R1k

Magazine advertisers are also eligible for discounted advertising rates on the St Francis Today newsletter.

Online Edition

Readers can expect the magazine to be out in early December and on the shelves in December and January. There is also an online version with video features, clickable adverts, and other bells and whistles. Previous online editions have proven very popular and have reached thousands of people. The social pages further extend the reach of the content and of the advertisers.

While many say print media is dead, it still thrives in smaller communities like St Francis Bay. It serves to connect communities and help people keep residents and visitors in touch when things get busy, and there is so much going on.

For previous magazine issues and a few other bits and bobs, check out the archives on Issuu here.

see also: Print Media is Dead. Long Live Print, and Look Out For Wildside Times Issue 8.


Previous issue

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