It started with my son coughing, then a little tickle in my throat, and before I knew it I was on my back, in bed, beset by unbelievable fatigue and brain fog. This summer’s flu was not lekker at all, and if truth be told, it felt like some Covid-related strain as my taste buds went for a ball of chalk. The fogginess and weakness I couldn’t shake was reminiscent of the first and second times I caught C-19.

Elements Of Recovery

Not that it makes any difference to whatever. The general feeling about this bout of flu was that the most crucial elements of recovery were rest, healthy food and hydration, and mind-over-matter that this wouldn’t get the better of me. Two of my friends – one a local resident and one a visitor from the Cape – both ended up in hospital in GQ as a result of this bug, so it did have an edge to it.  

I eventually found myself alone on the couch and in front of the TV with a remote. My family all love watching absolute shit on TV, so I willingly gave up all rights to the remote about a decade ago, only calling dibs when the World Surf League has an event live feed and doing all my screen watching through my iPhone and iPad.

So there I was, alone with a remote, with Netflix, Apple TV, YouTube Premium and a few other streaming channels we pay for, all available and bouncing around on the screen. I started a rudimentary search, hoping that working the remote was like climbing back on a bike and that it would come back to me. We had unsubscribed from the atrocity that is DSTV many years ago. It has plummetted kilometres further to the centre of the earth since then as the crappest channel available to man on this planet, so that wasn’t available.

Position Of Rest

Eventually, I came across a show called Severance on Apple. I was already on the couch, in the position of rest, so I didn‘t have to do much to get the show going.

The first two episodes were kind of slow, to be brutally honest, but then, without warning, I was suddenly hooked. I haven’t been so addicted to anything as much in my whole life pretty much, except for maybe the Ritalin phase in 86 until I got caught in 87, but that’s another story altogether. Severance is incredible viewing. The final episode was worthy enough of watching the entire series.

The best part about Severance is that it has been out for nearly three years, and I only found out about it this last weekend while I was sick. Why is that the best part? Well, the show is extremely popular, and thanks to the Screenwriters strike in Hollywood, the whole wide world has been waiting anxiously for Series Two to come out for three whole years now.

On the other hand, I only have to wait a week, because it is coming out this Friday.

And I Will Own The TV On Friday.

More on Severance

Series One Trailer HERE!  


Series Two Trailer HERE!

You can thank me later…

Read more here – Clearly Round The Bend – Notes From The Editor.

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