200 Golfing Women descend on St Francis Bay
St Francis Bay will be abuzz with 220 golfers and officials.for the National Senior Women’s Golf tournament starting on Sunday.
Following registration at The Links, the Sea Vista marimba band will entertain the visitors with the official welcome and opening taking place at around 5:15pm with the National Anthem being sung as all the provincial flags are raised.
Monday sees the start of the golf in the form of a 4 ball-alliance. This format sees the women not only making friends but also becoming familiar with the courses. Both courses, the St Francis Bay Golf Club and the The Links will have 104 players each.
The individual competition is played in a silver division ( 0 -22 handicap) and a bronze division ( 22 – 35 handicap). The silvers play medal and the others IBS and this commences on Tuesday morning 15th May on both courses.
Wednesday 16th May is the final round of the championship and this round is seeded on the results of the previous day.
Prizegiving takes place on Wednesday afternoon at around 3:00 followed by the closing of the tournament.
The Senior Nationals were founded by Mrs Joy McWilliams in 1994 and Joy will be present at the flag raising to hoist the SA Seniors Flag, something she did 25years ago.
In preparation for this tournament, the shopkeepers of the village of St Francis have been supportive and generous in their sponsorship.
For many of the players, this is their first visit to St Francis Bay so we hope this wonderful weather will greet them when they arrive.
Press Release – Sheila Thysse – National President (editied)

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