DA reports increase in local residents
Nigel Aitken, chairman of the DA in St Francis confirmed the success of recent voter registration for next year’s Government and Provincial elections that took place for Ward 12 over the weekend 10 & 11 March. Some 400 local residents turned up at the SFB Community Hall to either check their registration details or to register. Since the last voter registration back in 2016 for the municipal elections, it appears St Francis’ population has grown by at least 120 new residents. Some of those who registered in Ward12 for the first time have had holiday houses and have now taken up permanent residence but there were several new people particularly from Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. .
Confirming the details Aitken commented “This is good news for our town and confirms what many Estate Agents have been saying about the increase in the number of property sales over the last few years. The more permanent residents the better for it boosts existing businesses who have historically had to rely on the holiday period to make a living. It also helps the Municipality in getting more revenue for Water and Electricity usage”.
Although declared a successful registration drive the DA needs to take heed for if they can only attract some 400 voters they certainly have their work cut out in the coming months. Certainly many would have checked their details online but still, time for the DA to start planning how they are going to get more voters to the polls in 2019.

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