No Vodacom service in Cape St Francis

All communication via the Vodacom network failed during the welcomed rainfalls on Sunday leaving local residents, inclding St Francis Today without access to the outside world. Service was briefly restored on Monday giving us  all hope but this was short lived. Service was again restored on Monday afternoon only to once again fail a short while later.

Early Tuesday morning a glimmer of hope when shortly before 4:00 am several SMS and Whatsapp messages suddenly announced we had service again. St Francis Today diligently started compiling Tuesday’s news only to again be switched off 30 minutes into compiling the day’s edition. Hope was restored at 7:00 am so we resumed work on the news only to once again have our haopes dashed for the service was short lived. At around 5:00 pm last evening service was restored and has lasted until morning so we (hopefully) will be able to publish today.

According to sources the equipment on the  Vodacom tower at the lighthouse had been damaged by the rain and because St Francis no longer falls under Vodacom Port Elizabeth  but under Vodacom George, we had to wait for the George technicians to deal with the matter. Apparently the damaged equipment was not available locally and has had to be sourced from Head Office.

Guess there is little chance of getting a refund from Vodacom, or even an apology?

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