Ukupha (meaning “to give”)

Ukupha St Francis

Santa Francis started as an “idea ” when Ukupha (meaning “to give”) decided that we wanted to give back to our children as well as raising funds for a charity in need. It has become an annual event and we have just completed our third year! We raise funds for
SONRISE (www. and we are looking at funding three Talhado Montessori  Pre-school kid’s school fees for the year . We also invite 20 Sea Vista Primary school kids to join Santa Francis via Rotary ( Lynn Aitken) They are rewarded on an academic performance basis and are given their ticket during their school awards evening.

Ukupha began 8 years ago, when a group of friends wanted to give back to the St Francis Bay Community. We organise charity events throughout the year to raise funds for various Kouga based charities, including Hospice , Talhado , SPCA, Sonrise , Victory4all Children’s home etc

St Francis Pharmacy is the main sponsor for the event . This year we had sponsors from St Francis Brewery, Viking Bakery, Blue Bottle Liquors, Kouga Print and the Homestead Equestrian Estate. Members of our amazing community also gave of their time to ensure this event was, yet again, a great success.

Santa Francis is a Christmas celebration held at the Homestead Equestrian Estate on the Oyster Bay Road. On arrival, kids and parents are escorted by trailer rides into the estate and delivered to the barn, which is set up with hay bales, a stage, and lots of Christmas decorations. The kids got to enjoy pony rides (Tracy Kennedy), face painting (Mel Mienie) and a jumping castle while they wait for the show to begin and the eminent arrival of Father Christmas!

Characters involved in the show called ” The elf who lost the Christmas spirit ”  were Tinkerbell (Chene Mienie) , Elf (Warren Manser) , Clown (Courtney Juries), Ninja Turtle (Tyron Stewart) , Jack Sparrow (Jarrod Mienie) and a Santa (Pete Mitchley) . All music and extra effects  were compiled by DJ Robert Stark .

The main highlight is Santa arriving on a motorbike (Brandon Kennedy) with a big bag of presents for all our children (all pre- arranged).

The reward… Happy children with big smiles on their faces. And we get to give back to those in our community who need a little extra love and assistance.

Santa Francis has become a yearly event and we are hoping to continue and give back to the community for as long as possible.
The Ukupha group would like to thank the community and sponsors for their ongoing support. For more information regarding Ukupha, or to see what we’re up to, or if you’d like to join us, please visit our facebook page or call any of the ladies below.

Ukupha : Louise Niven, Ezna Kennedy, Heather White, Jacky Hay, Kyle Legg, Georgie Tovell, Kelly van Eyssen, Cath Mitchley, Daniella Reynolds, Bobbie Hart, Jennifer Manser.

Ukupha St Francis

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