The Village Superspar and Pam Golding sport initiative may just uncover a Federer or Kolisi

What an incredible sporting weekend! We South African’s love our sport and there was something for every sports lover this past weekend. The swimmers kicked the weekend off with the weekly polar bear antics but most of the action then moved to France for the Seven’s Rugby and of course the French open.

Rugby fans would have had a ‘skrik’ and a foreboding of disaster when in the sevens when the Blitzbokke lost to Scotland then barely scraped a win against Russia. That they went to not only win the gold medal but also take the championship for the second year in a row demonstrates the tenacity of our sportsman. Our Bokke were next to cause us moments of anxiety as we gave up 24  points to England before our Eastern Cape Captain rallied his boys to a magnificent  and courageous win against England in the first test.

But we digress.

Sport is in our blood and watching the interaction within our sport teams truly shows how we get on as a nation. Forget the negativity of the politicians who seem intent on stirring up racial divide, we get on and our sport is proving a wonderful catalyst.

And so our accolades must go to Richard Moolman (Superspar) and Richard Arderne (Pam Golding) for their used sport equipment initiative. Last week Richard Arderne on the behalf of The Village Superspar and Pam Golding handed over a pile of used sports gear collected during the initiative to Sea Vista Primary School Headmaster, Charles Coenrad and staff.

Looking at the makeup of our sport teams, and not only rugby, for cricket, netball and other team sports are creating role models for others to follow. If the hockey stick or cricket bat donated in this collection motivates just one kid at Sea Vista on to greater things it will be worth more than ploughing a million Rand into the township. If just one kid succeeds in a port, rugby, cricket, golf , paddling, they will become the role model that will get the other kids to follow rather than the fall into the grip of the gangs and drugs that capture so many kids in townships. Just one and who knows your donation just might be the one that make the difference even if it is only the tennis ball or racquet that spurs that budding Federer onto Wimbledon.

Whilst waiting for the equipment to arrive we were able to chat to Tom Roux regarding the Sea Vista education initiative but more on this in later posts. That there could be as many as 60 kids in a Grade One classroom next year is not doing the education any good. The youth are the future and they must be nurtured not cast aside.  We have a fantastic school facility on our doorstep now we need teachers to fill the classrooms.  And wow the school is spotless, not a single sweet wrapper or empty cool drink bottle did we see during our walk about the school. Well done to the principal and staff for this can only be achieved through strict discipline.

If you missed the boat and still have sports equipment now or in the future be sure to drop it off either at the school or at Pam Golding.


19   x   Sticks



2  x  GOLF   BAGS


13         X          TENNIS        RACKETS
12         X          SQUASH     RACKETS
2          X          SPALDING   RACKETS
3          x          TENNIS  WOODEN  RACKETS
8          X          ALUMINIUM   TENNIS   RACKETS

Rugby  :

Rugby  balls    x  2


Cricket   bat   (old)         x          10
Cricket   Gloves             x          3
Cricket   stumps  (Practise)    x   1
Cricket   stumps            x           4
Cricket    bats                x  (new)  2
Cricket    balls   (new)    x            4
Cricket    balls   (old)      x            4
Batting  legguard   New  set    x    4


15 wetsuits and one surfboard

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