St Francis winners at Lilizela Awards

Lilizela Award winners – Beach Break & Chokka Trail

Fantastic news from the fourth annual Lilizela Tourism Awards held at a glittering event at the Sandton Convention Centre on Sunday night where two local tourism entities walked away as national winners.

The first was in the accommodation category where for the second year in a row, Beach Break, a Cape St Francis Resort facility, won the “Shared Vacation Five-Star Accommodation” award.   Beach Break is made up of 5-Star luxury villas set on the edge of the dunes overlooking the pristine Cape St Francis beach between Seal Point and Shark Point Nature Reserves. The villas offer intimate world class bed & breakfast accommodation which has proven extremely popular with the many international tour groups that Cape St Francis Resort attracts to St Francis throughout the year thanks to their marketing efforts both in South Africa and abroad.

Commenting on the award Anita Lennox simply stated “all this would not be possible without dedicated and committed staff “.

Lilizela Award winner - Beach Break at Cape St Francis Resort

The second national award went to the Chokka Trail for “Best Visitor Beach Experience in South Africa”. This category recognises and rewards businesses that enable visitors to experience our beautiful beaches and the Chokka Trail certainly does.  Commenting on their Facebook page Chokka trail had this to say. “The Best Visitors Experience in SA… how amazing! Thank you to each member of this team”.

Lilizela Awards - Chokka Trail

Presenting the awards Minister of Tourism, Mr Derek Hanekom said this of the winners “”They offer the standard of service and quality of product that make the experience of every domestic and international tourist enjoyable and memorable. The National Lilizela Awards are the hallmark of excellence in our industry.”

The prestigious “Minister’s Award” a prestigious award that recognises tourism innovators and pioneers, went to renowned Mpumalanga artist, Esther Mahlangu. A previous Lilizela category winner in the Roots and Culture category, Mahlangu’s colourful Ndebele designs have been exhibited around the world and have graced global brands such as BMW, British Airways, Fiat and Belvedere luxury vodka, placing South African traditional art and design on the international map.

The 80-year-old Mahlangu joined Cape St Francis’ Beach Break, the Chokka Trail and 51 other national winners of the Lilizela Tourism Awards who travellers had voted the best of the best in various categories ranging from service excellence and entrepreneurship to sustainable development.

Lilizela Awards - Esther Mahlangu

Well done to both our winners for flying our St Francis flag high and proud for the world to see.

Lilizela Awards

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