SA vs The World

South Africa vs the Rest of the World Bowls

Fun and laughter was the order of the day at the St Francis Bay Bowling Club this last weekend when the South Africa versus the Rest of the World Competition took place.

Bowlers from many parts of the world have settled in St Francis Bay and in summer there is an influx of visitors from overseas, euphemistically called “swallows”. Both these groups formed the “rest of the world” team and played against those born in South Africa. This introduces a fun element of rivalry and makes for a very sociable afternoon of bowls.

SA vs Rest of World Bowls

Graham Alison, an English resident, who owns a house in St Francis Bay and spends each summer here, initiated the competition eight years ago and donated a floating trophy. He puts a great deal of effort and enthusiasm into the arrangements by organising the hampers (to which members contribute items) and providing wine for the “touchers”. It also serves as a fund-raising event for the club and this year money raised from the hamper raffles will go towards the borehole which has become so necessary in this time of drought.

The spirit was fantastic and it proved to be a colourful affair as participants dressed up to represent their countries of origin. Many green and gold rugby shirts were donned by the South African team and Rijks Kotze, who did something really innovative, was voted the best dressed on the day in her long African-styled dress and headdress. Union Jacks were in evidence, red and white from the Swiss, greens from the Irish contingent, and traditional Dutch dress, (naturally without the clogs whilst on the green!)

There was much friendly rivalry between the two teams captained by Graham (Rest of the World) team and Rolly Marsh (South Africa). This year the Rest of the World Team played extremely well and were jubilant with their 84/57 win over the locals.

Peter Talbot, President of the Club, said: “This competition has become a tradition and builds camaraderie among club members and as such it is good for the club. The members get into the spirit of the occasion, which is a glorified ‘tabs in’ with a bit of fun.”

The camaraderie continued afterwards with the fires being lit for a bring-and-braai to end off what proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable day.

Article & photograph: Yvonne Bosman

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