Talhado Children’s Haven Learner of Year

Talhado Children’s Haven Learner of the Year announced

2017 Learner of the Year Mivuyo Zono with trustee Judy Slade and teacher Roseline Goeda

2017 Learner of the Year Mivuyo Zono with trustee Judy Slade and teacher Roseline Goeda

The annual Talhado Children’s Haven Christmas graduation event. saw little Mivuyo Zono of Grade RB graduated awarded Talhado Children’s Haven Learner of the Year.  Mivuyo’s Class teacher and headmistress Mrs Roseline Goeda, beamed with pride as Mivuyo received her award from retiring Trustee, Judy Slade.

Mivuyo will start “big school” next year as a learner at Sea Vista Primary and will be amongst the first learners to begin their school career in the brand new Sea Vista school premises due to open after the summer holidays.

The theme of the event this year was Funky Christmas and children and teaching staff alike joined in the fun and gaiety of the evening.

A sad moment arrived when school Administrator, Lesley Moore presented three departing teachers with special gifts to thank them for their service to the Haven. The three, Amorita May, Monica Guga, and long serving headmistress and Haven’s first teacher, Roseline Goeda will be moving with the primary school classes to the new Sea Vista Primary school next year.

Further sad farewells were made to retiring Trustees, Lew and Judy Slade. But perhaps the most heartfelt tribute for the evening was when the entire hall burst into song in celebration of school administrator, Lesley Moore’s birthday. The much loved founder and administrator of the Haven will pass the baton into the very capable hands of Catherine Hempel, who has up until now been the school’s Montessori mentor.

Although Mrs Moore will be retiring as the Manager of the Pre-School she will still be involved with the finances and After Care. Mrs Hempel will now take the Haven into its rebirth as a Montessori method pre-school for children between the ages of 3 to 4 boasting four Montessori classes and teachers with after –care facilities for primary school children.

Lesley Moore bids a foind farewell to Monica Guga, Amorita May and Roseline Goeda

Lesley Moore bids a foind farewell to Monica Guga, Amorita May and Roseline Goeda

Lesley Moore and Lew Slade

Retiring Trustee Lew Slade pays tribute to founder and administrator Lesley Moore

Catherine Hempel introducing the Montessori method to Talhado Childrens Haven   Article and photos – Lyn Aitken – Talhado Childrens Haven Facebook 

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