Body recovered

National Sea Rescue

Body of youngster recovered

NSRI confirmed that sadly on Saturday, 27th January afternoon, the body of a 12 year old male, missing in the surf since Friday, was located on the beach at Main Beach, and recovered by the SA Police Services and the body has been taken into the care of the Forensic Pathology Services.

Condolences are conveyed to the family.

An inquest docket has been opened by Police.

See original NSR media statement below and the bathing alert for the Full (Blue) Moon on Wednesday

At 16h54, Friday, 26th January, NSRI St Francis Bay duty crew responded to Main Beach following reports of a drowning in progress.

The sea rescue craft Spirit of St Francis II was launched and NSRI rescue swimmers responded directly to the scene.

Private Care ambulance services and the SA Police services were activated.

On arrival on the scene an extensive search commenced for a 12 year old male, believed to be a local, reported by eye-witnesses to have last been seen floating face down in the water after reportedly being swept out to sea by rip currents approximately 20 minutes prior to NSRI arriving on the scene.

A shoreline search by NSRI crew and 7 NSRI crew and NSRI rescue swimmers deployed into the surf conducting a sweeping line free dive search in the surfline and a search conducted from the sea rescue craft in the breakers but despite the extensive search no sign of the boy has been found.

Police opened an investigation and a Police Dive Unit and K-9 Search and Rescue are continuing in an ongoing search operation.

Safety Alert:

NSRI are urging the public to be cautious around the coastline for the remainder of this weekend as the beginning phase of the 31st January Full Moon (Blue Moon) Spring Tide has begun to increase in intensity  as it builds towards the Spring Tide Peak on Wednesday 31st January.

The full moon Spring Tide will affect the coastline from today, peaking on Wednesday, 31st January, and lasting until after the first weekend of February.

Bathers, anglers, coastal hikers and beach strollers are urged to be cautious.

Bathers should only go to beaches where and when lifeguards are on duty and swim within the safe demarcated swimming zones that lifeguards post using their red and yellow flags.

Man missing overboard

Man missing overboard off fishing vessel activates NSRI St Francis Bay

NSRI St Francis Bay duty crew were activated by the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) early yesterday morning following reports to NSRI Port Elizabeth of a man suspected to be overboard the fishing vessel Maryke.

It appears that the alarm had been raised at 05h00 by the skipper after crew noticed the adult fisherman, believed to be from Humansdorp, missing off the boat off-shore of Aasvogelspunt, 30 nautical miles South East of St Francis Bay.

Maryke and 3 other fishing vessels had reportedly begun a search.

The sea rescue craft Spirit of St Francis II was launched and on arrival on the scene joined in a search and assisted in sweeping line search patterns and just after 08h00 an SA Air Force 15 Squadron Charlie Flight helicopter, with 2 NSRI Port Elizabeth rescue swimmers aboard, joined the search operation and NSRI St Francis Bay crew and SA National Park rangers searched along the shoreline.

Despite an extensive air, sea and shoreline search operation no sign of the missing fisherman has been found and Police have taken over an ongoing search operation and investigation into the incident.

As of this morning the man is still missing in spite of the extensive search effort and SA Police have taken over the search from NSRI..


Youngsters steal lifesaving buoy

Youngsters steal lifesaving buoy in Jeffreys Bay

CCTV footage captured footage of a group of youngsters who appear to have made off with an NSRI Pink Rescue Floatation Buoy.  NSRI is appealing to those who appear to have taken the buoy to return it to NSRI or return it to its pole on the beach at Jeffreys Bay.

The buoy was taken from Point, at Jeffreys Bay, a popular surfing spot.

The footage shows what appears to be 3 young males taking the buoy to their car. Bystanders have come forward saying that they had confronted the group in a heated exchange but despite being advised to return the buoy to the pole they continued to load the buoy into a a small hatchback red car with Eastern Cape registration plates and drove off.

If anyone recognises the persons in the CCTV footage please contact NSRI.

These Pink Buoys are a joint NSRI and public effort in one of many campaigns launched this year to prevent drowning around our coast.

A pink buoy in Wilderness has already contributed to saving the life of a teenager.

Dr Cleeve Robertson, NSRI CEO, has urged anyone finding a pink buoy that is in anyones possession and is not on a pole on a beach it belongs to NSRI and to the public in the interests of public safety.

Santa to visit canals

Don’t miss Santa’s visit to the St Francis Bay Canals

Santa on the Canals is an annual fundraising event held by NSRI Station 21 – St Francis Bay. On Christmas eve, each year, Santa delivers gifts in person with the help of the NSRI Station 21 crew and their boat – Spirit of St. Francis II.

Here are some facts to assist you in making your kids part of Santa on the Canals

  • When and where – do we (the parents/ grandparents/ aunts & uncles) drop off the presents?
    Parents can drop off presents at the NSRI Lecture Room in Port St Francis on Saturday 23rd December between 11am – 4pm. Hard working Elves sort and pack presents into color coded piles ready for Santa’s delivery. All presents must be wrapped and clearly marked with the receiver’s name and erf number (if you can).
  • Is there a limit on the value of present I may purchase?
    No, we do however ask parents to get practical gifts considering they will be delivered via boat.
  • When does, Santa visit the houses on the canals?
    Santa & his elves deliver the presents on the 24th December 2017. – CHRISTMAS EVE from 9am.
  • What time will Santa be at my house?
    When parents drop off the presents at the NSRI Lecture Room on the 23rd December 2016, the Elves will be able to provide all parents & grandparents with approximates on times for the delivery.
  • What if I don’t live on the canals?
    No Problem, Santa’s first stop on the 24th December 2016 is The Cove (Shore Road) at 9am where he gets off the boat and hands out presents to children (and sometimes grownups too!)
  • How much does it cost?
    A donation of R60.00 per present – it’s for a good cause!
  • What if I have more questions?
    You are welcome to contact Sky on 081 734 9720 or Sara on 082 895 5579.
  • What can I do to build on this great tradition?
    Please spread the word. Santa and the Elves get very sad when someone feels left out.


Another Chokka boat tragedy

NSRI STATION 21 - St Francis Bay

NSRI St Francis Bay duty crew were activated early Sunday morning following a request for assistance from the Chokka boat Silver Explorer reporting an adult male crew member onboard suffering a seizure.

Silver Explorer headed for Port of St Francis from Kabeljous to rendezvous with the NSRI  sea rescue craft Spirit of St Francis II but on arrival at the rendezvous point, the Chokka boat skipper confirmed that his crew member sadly passed away. NSRI medics boarded the Silver Explorer and sadly confirmed the fisherman was deceased.

Silver Explorer continued into Port where they were met by the SA Police Services and the body of the deceased fisherman was taken into the care of the Forensic Pathology Services. SA Police Services have confirmed to the NSRI that an inquest docket will not be opened following the passing away of a fisherman.

SA Police Services have confirmed to the NSRI that an inquest docket will not be opened as the fisherman died of natural causes after suffering a seizure.

Sincere condolences to family, friends and colleagues of the fisherman.

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