Interesting talk by Dr Kaz

Interesting talk by Dr Kaz at Dune Ridge

Dr Kaz - Happy Bodies - Happy Minds

Old habits die hard and the older one gets the less likely and certainly the harder it is to change. We all know we should eat more vegetables, eat less fatty foods and less sugar, drink less, give up smoking, exercise regularly but many of us go on with our lives with an attitude of why change what isn’t broken. Well that is until something breaks and a serious health episode interrupts one’s normal way of life and causes one to ‘catch a wake-up’ and start paying attention to how we live our lives.

St Francis Animal Rescue has over the past years heldsome interesting talks on all manner of subjects including a few of which this scribe has attended. A year or so back Alison Jones gave a very informative talk on healthy eating as a way of retaining a healthy weight and life.  Another truly interesting talk was by Jenny  Rayment, a hypnotherapist,  explaining the many benefits of hypnotherapy and how by delving into the sub-conscious and uncovering experiences, many from childhood, assists patients overcome fears or habits.

The talk yesterday at Dune Ridge Country House by Dr Kaz, a Durban-based GP who is also an Holistic Healer dealt had a subject of a healthy body – a healthy mind and as with the two aforementioned talks proved not only extremely interesting but more importantly, touched on some of the things we need to pay attention to if we are not already.

Those of us born prior to the days of fast foods, television, plastic, microwave ovens, genetically modified food, laptop computers and of course cell phones, truly had a good head start in life. Our bodies and brains were not contaminated by the many health problems these advances are said to have had and continue to have on our health.

There is little doubt that the incidence of cancer seems to be on the increase. Twenty years ago it was unlikely to have association with more than one or two people with cancer. Today most of us would probably need more than both hands to count the number of people we know, or have known, with cancer of one type or another. That more and more is being written on the subject there can surely be no doubt all these changes, be they what we eat or what we use in our daily lives and previously unbeknown to us oldies when we were kids, have an effect on our health.

One eye opener during the talk was a physical demonstration on the effects of a cell phone on our bodies. Dr Kaz had a member of the audience go through a series of tests with her cell phone and it was visually apparent that there is something to the warnings. As they say there is no such thing as a free lunch so are we not paying the price for the convenience of the cell phone.

It was a pity there were only two of us of the male gender in the audience for some of the case studies Dr Kaz spoke of in her talk were on male patients. Belief that we are ‘bullet proof’ should to diminish as we grow older and maybe listening to advice on how to live a better life is not such a bad idea.

Thanks for an interesting and hugely informative talk Dr Kaz.

If you want to listen to a little of what Dr Kaz has to say on fatigue there is a podcast on ECR

or visit her website

And to my health mentor Sacha Park – I promise I will start taking your advice in future! What you have been telling is starting to make sense.

Healthy Mind – Healthy Body

Dr Kaz to give two talks at Dune Ridge

St Francis Animal Rescue through their Open your Eyes – Sterilize campaign have over the years invited some truly inspiring guest speakers covering a range of interesting subjects from kayaking in Iceland to the power of hypnotherapy.  Well next week they have invited Specialist Kinesiologist, Health and Life Coach and medical practitioner Dr Kazalette Kiepiel (MB.BCh, MF Hom) (aka Dr Kaz) to talk. In fact Dr Kaz will be giving two talks – Healthy Mind – Healthy Body in the morning and  should not be missed, (men & women including sportsmen and women). The second talk in the afternoon is aimed at mothers both young and old.

Who is Dr Kaz?

Dr Kaz

She is a reputable, Durban-based GP who is also an Holistic Healer.

What makes Dr Kaz unique is her ability to heal at emotional, physical and spiritual levels.

Dr Kaz is also a wife, mother, animal-lover and environmental activist with the experience, depth and drive to help us heal ourselves.

This powerful, widely sought after voice amongst medical practitioners is visiting St Francis Bay on May 11th when she will be giving 2 different talks at Dune Ridge Country House on behalf of St Francis Animal Rescue.

The first talk is at 11 am when Dr Kaz will be discussing the concept of, ‘Healthy Mind – Healthy Body’
Tea, coffee and delicious snacks will be served after her talk.

The following talk takes place on the same day at 5.30 pm and this is aimed at mothers – both young and old – when the doctor will be talking about “Healthy Mother – Healthy Children’.
Champagne and canapés will be on offer after the talk.

Tickets for both talks are selling now at Kouga Print and Toffee – at R150 each.

All proceeds from these sales will be used to fund the St Francis Animal Rescue ‘Open Your Eyes & Sterilize’ campaign, which aims to neuter and spay the cats and dogs of Sea Vista and improve the quality of their lives.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear what the renowned Dr Kaz has to say about attaining optimal health for yourself and your family.

More about Dr Kaz

Dr Kaz has personal experience of the debilitating impact of chronic fatigue. Many people suffer from fatigue, and it is important to understand the underlying causes. It could be a serious medical condition that requires an allopathic intervention, it could be stress related , a symptom of  depression, or you may be suffering from chronic fatigue.

Dr. Kaz is an Integrative medical practitioner:  “Integrative medicine and health reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic and lifestyle approaches, healthcare and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing.”.


If you want to listen to a little of what Dr Kaz has to say on fatigue there is a podcast on ECR

or visit her website

Your support is appreciated by all those volunteers who work for St Francis Animal Rescue.

St Francis Animal Rescue

LAMP perform for Prime Timers

LAMP perform at Prime Timers Christmas Lunch

LAMP performing at Prime Timers lunch Dune Ridge, St Francis

L.A.M.P performing at Prime Timers lunch Dune Ridge, St Francis

On Saturday 3rd December, 37 Prime Timers enjoyed their Christmas lunch at Dune Ridge Country House. A delicious traditional lunch was served and happy members sung festive carols between courses accompanied by Cedric on the piano.

Everyone was treated to a superb performance by choir members from L.A.M.P. Lighthouse Art and Music Project, their excellent voices and timing was faultless and appreciated by everyone.

A lovely surprise hamper was won by Gill Davidson and of course no Christmas celebration would be complete without Santa with his sack of gifts.

The Christmas lunch brings an end to a very successful year for Prime Timers. In January subscriptions are due and more new members are joining this successful social club for retired people, lots of great events are planned for 2017 including an away trip to George. The trip in April includes 3 nights in an excellent hotel and 4 daily excursions.

For details on membership phone Paulene Hardy. 084 7897801 or 042 2940301

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