Super Fun At Monte Carlo Royale Fundraiser

Super Fun At Monte Carlo Royale Fundraiser

The St Francis College community put on the Ritz as they turned out in numbers to support the Monte Carlo Royale evening at St Francis Links on Friday June 23rd.  The event which raised approximately R50 000.00 for the College saw keen punters revelling in the entertainment at the poker, roulette and black jack tables, while enjoying the  delicious food prepared by the Links team, the music and dancing.

A highlight of the evening was the silent auction of various artworks including creations by St Francis College students. Those students whose artworks were chosen were Ruby Tovell, Grade 4, Jeanne Steyn, Grade 5, Keano Dukai, Grade 6, Hope Jack, Grade 6, Lily Malherbe, Grade 7, and Joss Hempel, Grade 7. The auction contributed an amazing total of R3160.00 to the College fund.

The event was facilitated by Gaming Events – a Kleinmond based croupier company. Each ticket of R250 included dinner, a glass of champagne, entrance into a lucky draw and some ‘funny money’ to get the evening started.

Shaun & Tracy Kennedy were delighted to win the lucky draw prize of a night away to Zen Guesthouse in Jeffreys Bay.  Our mini poker tournament winner, Dirk Ellis took home a Jameson whiskey hamper and Justin Ackerman won the Johnnie Walker Blue Label on raffle.

A  big thank you must go to the generous sponsors. Table sponsors included Moore Stephens, Kathea Energy, The River Estate, and The Store/RVCA. Thank you too to Tops at Spar who sponsored the superb Olive Brook champagne.

Our grateful thanks to our MC, Liezl Clause and our auctioneer, Jeff Clause as well as Wayne Fairman Photography for the fabulous photos!

Last but not least a huge thank you to the St Francis College community for throwing their support behind this memorable evening!

Super Fun At Monte Carlo Royale Fundraiser

Article: Lyn Aitken
Photographs: Wayne Firman

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