The annual Rotary Makro Golf Tournament played over the 30th April and 1st May to coincide with the Nautical Festival proved yet again to be a great success. Played over thirty six holes using both the St Francis Bay Golf Club layout and St Francis Links some sixty players challenged a rather windy Saturday which thankfully lessened on the Sunday. Commenting on the success of the event that raised over R40000.00 for Rotary projects in St Francis Rotary spokesperson Lyn Aitken said, ““We had amazing support from both Makro and their suppliers as well as our local community who came to the party with sponsorships and prizes. All of this contributed to a very successful festival at both The Links and the St Francis Bay Golf Club,”
Jeff Clause did duty handing out the magnificent prizes on offer.
Handing out superb prizes

Best Score St Francis Bay Golf Club – (l to r) Jeff Clause with Andrew Zeelie & Ken McGregor and Lyn Aitken (Rotary)

Best Score St Francis Links – Jeff Cause congratulates Ivan Kamte & Ettienne Coenraad
And the tournament winners

Congratulations to overall winners – Anil Kooverjee & Amrit Lalla from Durban seen with Willie Uys (St Francis Bay Golf) Nigel Aitken, Lyn Aitken and Jeff Clause
Article from Lyn Aitken (edited),
Photographs Heilie Uys
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