Storm after the Quiet as the thieves make hay

After a somewhat quiet holiday period it seems as the baddies are hard at work again making life miserable for those unlucky enough to become their victims. Most alarming though is that those responsible for the crime are either not being brought to book or worse still, brought to book but then released on bail so that they can continue to spread their evil. Even in a sophisticated community fully conversant with the law reach a point where enough is enough so one cannot blame our poorer neighbours in China Town for taking matters into their own hands recently.

Nobody can condone vigilantism but it is hard to blame a community when they don’t have policing support and this is about to get even worse. It is no secret that St Francis SAPS (Police Service) is undermanned and under equipped. For them to have their finger on the pulse when they don’t even have the vehicles to patrol their precinct is simply unacceptable and the tax payer, and the impoverished, deserve better.

But worse is to come! An already undermanned station has just lost probably the most qualified member of staff with the transfer of Captain du Toit away from St Francis. In the four years that he was in St Francis he not only acted as station commander until the appointment of Capt. Gomoshe but also heading up the detective branch that in recent times has had significant success in capturing and charging perpetrators.

SAPS really have no right to jeopardise our community by taking such a valuable resource fromus and we need to let the powers that be that we are not happy with their action. Both the Provincial command, if not national command need to be approached to return Capt du Toit to his local post and if not that, then upgrade the station with full manpower and resources that was planned and promised some years ago.

It is time for a petition and St Francis will be approaching those involved with community policing forums to start such which we will be only too happy to support by publishing on these pages. Watch this space for more on subject in coming editions

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