St Francis Bay Property Owners LogoProperty Owners News

Greetings to you all from St Francis. We launched of our donation appeal to a pilot group of 100 property owners, and plan to spread this appeal to the broader group of property owners over the next few months.

We were referred by the Kouga Municipality to a group of Consulting Engineers who had recently completed a survey of all roads in the Kouga area on behalf of the Provincial Roads department. Following discussions with the Consulting Engineers, they submitted a proposal to complete a more detailed survey of the first section of road we wish to re-surface, including road levelling and stormwater drains. This section of road carries the highest traffic and includes Lyme Roads North and South, and the section of St Francis Drive linking these two roads and abutting the shopping centres of St Francis Bay.

We are still waiting for DEDEAT to issue their ROD (Record of Decision) for our FBAR submission for the Spit and Beach emergency repairs.

We have made good progress with developing a Disaster Management Plan for the greater St Francis area. Our plan has focussed on the Volunteer force that we would mobilise in the event of a disaster, be it fire, flood, sea surges, etc. The initial planning meetings included representatives from SFPO, Cape St Francis, NSRI, The Links, The Air Park, FOSTER, Kouga Wind Farm and Eskom. This group has also coordinated its plan with that of the Kouga Municipality who will provide the Emergency Services to any disaster event.

We have a follow up meeting the Kouga Municipality’s CFO in early June with respect to the possible establishment of the of an SRA for St Francis, and the emergency repairs to the Spit and Beach.

We need all property owners to join the SFPO so please encourage all your fellow property owners to join our association. We need to communicate with all property owners and we also need their support to “save St Francis”. This month Jacky has been updating the Association’s database, if you do not receive our monthly emailed newsletter or you have changed your telephone/cell number please contact Jacky on 042-200-1404 or email her on

Best wishes,
SFPO CommitteeSFPO Bank

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