St Francis Future on the shelves and on line
The St Francis Property Owners publication St Francis Future that hit the shelves late on Thursday addresses many of the questions and misconceptions surrounding the proposed SRA.
The 12 page printed publication covers most of the many questions that have been posed to the board of the St Francis Property Owners and probably the most enlightening is the section on “Who is paying for what?” (see page 5). There has been quite a hullabaloo that the money is really to repair the spit and the beach. Many of those I have spoken to who reside in Santareme have been quite vocal in their asking why they should pay for the spit when it really has nothing to do with them. Well it seems that most of the contributions from Santareme will in fact be spent of upgrading of their roads. It is apparent that Santareme, incorporating St Francis on Sea, the Port and Otters Landing has far more roads than anywhere else and over 90 percent of their contributions will in fact be spent on their roads with only a miniscule amount, in comparison to the canals and village being spent on the beach.
Also worth reading is the paragraph on page three – “Payment of Volunteers”.under Misconceptions as well as the paragraph on “Beach Revetments” as many believe that they are paying to save the beachfront owners properties which is simply not true as these owners are paying for their own revetments wit work already started on several properties as significant cpst to the indiviual owners in addition to the levy they will have to pay if the SRA is adopted.
Obviously there are those who are on fixed incomes who will be stretched financially if an SRA is declared but their worries are answered on page seven under “What if I cannot afford the levy?”. The application process will processed by an independent auditor and all applicants personal information will be confidential.
That something needs to be done to save our fast declining infrastructure goes without saying. Maybe not all will agree with the SRA concept but to date no better solution has been put on the table. There are those that believe that now the DA controls the municipality they will be able to wave a magic wand but realistically they simply do not possess that magic wand and their first responsibility has to be the upliftment of the poorer areas within the municipality of which there are many.
You can pick up the printed copy of the printed publication at several outlets around the village including all estate agents , the Bakery, Butchery and at Spar. To read the online version visit.
Also online is the St Francis SRA Business Plan
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