Everyone wins at St Francis College Gala

The annual St Francis College Inter House swimming gala on 7th March took place at the amazing Liquid Lines facility in Cape St Francis.

Children of all levels of competency got to participate in the initial Splash In Gala. Although no points are scored for the Splash-In events, each child regardless of age or competence is assured of an opportunity to take part. Then all the children get behind their houses with war cries and chants for the Inter House Gala which followed. The graded swimmers who were all pre-timed to ensure they were competing in completely fair competition swam their hearts out for precious house points.

The winning house of the day was Yellowtails House, followed by Red Romans in second place and Musselcrackers a brave third.

Congratulations – there were some great swims on the day and certainly a lot of fun!

A very big vote of thanks must go to Maria and her amazing team at Liquid Lines for facilitating this for us and to all the College staff for their hard work in organising this very successful event

St Francis College Swimming Gala

Having a lot of fun on the day are Rory Dace and Chris Cownie of Red Romans House

Article & photo – Lynette Aitken

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