Squatters in Lovemore? Letter from concerned reader

Dear Sir/Madam,

2 Lovemore Cres, St Francis BayI write this letter with grave concern about 5 Lovemore Crescent, St Francis Bay. This house has stood as an unfinished shell for years and years. The property is completely overgrown and is an absolute eyesore. I believe the property belongs to Dr French a Paediatrician from Pretoria.

How is it that this has been allowed? Surely there is a building committee that ensures that houses are brought to completion?

I believe the house is providing refuge for vagrants and certainly when working in our children’s garden at 2 Lovemore Crescent I am aware of human traffic in and out of 5 Lovemore Crescent. I therefore feel extremely vulnerable.

Is it perhaps from those squatting at 5 Lovemore Crescent that there has been a surge of crime in the area?

2 Lovemore Crescent has just been completely stripped of all copper piping, shower heads, taps etc and I believe the house adjoining 5 Lovemore Crescent belonging to the Baker family has suffered the same fate. In the case of the latter despite security fencing.

We have reported the theft at 2 Lovemore Crescent to St Francis Bay Police and the case number is CAS39/09/2016.

I would ask that this matter be given urgent attention.

Yours faithfully,

(Mrs) S.J. Hardie

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