Photos illustrates how the Spit is eroding

Photographer Stan Blumberg recently sent us an aerial photograph of the spit which clearly illustrates how it has eroded and how critical it is becoming to do something to arrest the erosion.

A recent petition signed by those concerned with the condition of the spit was lodged with the Kouga municipal manager who will, if he has not already done so, lodge these with the Department of the Environmental Affairs (DEDEAT). Hopefully DEDEAT will jump start the approval of the submissions to save the spit rather than having the application gather dust for the next year or more.

DEDEAT stopped the St Francis Bay Riparians from depositing sand dredged from the river on the seaside of the spit, which was having a positive result, but allowed the sand to be deposited on the landward side. As can be seen from the photo this clearly isn’t working so maybe if DEDEAT can reverse their decision and possibly it will buy a little time until the proposed solution can be implemented.

For those who may have missed the first two  public meetings on 20th December, 3rd January  where the St Francis Property Owners association presented details on the proposed SRA a third public meeting will be held tomorrow (11th January) at 5:30pm at St Francis Links. If you need more information on the proposed SRA  before casting your vote it will be worthwhile spending aan hour ro listen to what is being proposed.

SFPO  has introduced an online voting form on their website should you prefer to cast your vate, YES or NO, on the proposed SRA. The form can be found on their website –