
Mike Silberbauer with his collection of walking sticks and the Bossess’ Umbrella, Poppette

How many of us have dreamt of writing a book but never had the inspiration, the creativity, the dedication, will, confidence, time or even know how to start on such a massive undertaking. What will it be about, what research needs to be done and then lastly how to get it published and available on bookstore shelves to fulfil that dream?

Well aspiring local author, Mike Silberbauer has overcome the odds and has published a delightful book of short stories entitled “Secrets of a Walking Stick”. It is doubtful that it will ever win a Booker Prize or appear on the New York Times best seller list but  it is nonetheless an enjoyable read with some artful humour that will bring on more than an occasional chuckle.

Written through the eyes, or is that eras, of a collection of walking sticks, Knobkerrie (Free State), Curly ( Colonial Kenya), Ramrod, turned on a lathe, Tentpole who is made of synthetic ‘stuff’  and new kid on the block, Staff, from Hogsback, a light coloured youngster covered in “tattoos”. Last on the list is Poppette an umbrella who doesn’t normally reside in the umbrella stand but is usually strapped to a golf bag in the garage but who is able to communicate her thoughts to the others via the Wi-Fi installed in the Boss’ home

As you read the book you become aware that Mike has through clever innuendo woven his stories around real everyday issues from women being more pedantic about rules than men, how older folk greet strangers where the younger generation are less inclined to be friendly. He even cleverly draws attention to much of what is in the news drawing attention to the difficulty of having to select a sports team to a lovely yarn about Canada’s First Nation Chief (read Red Indian Chief) with reference to bigamy and need of a ‘fire pool’.  Malema and the EFF warrant mention in the chapter ‘Point of Order’ and the EU, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton also receive attention.

And yes there are a couple of chapters you may find dull but this is true of any book but read on for as Simon Cowell utters whilst judging some acts on ‘Britain Got Talent’, “you lost me there for a minute but you came back with an outstanding performance”. Possibly the section on Math that this scribe found dull was brought about by never having passed a single math exam in his entire schooling career and thus has an abnormal fear of the word math, found the chapter boring. Possibly a session with hypnotherapist Jenny Rayment is needed to get rid this phobia.

A perfect book for that short read in a warm bed just before calling a close to the day.

Mike will be doing a book signing at Book and I in the Superspar complex in St Francis Bay on Tuesday morning so bring along R125 or your credit card for this book is not only worth a read but will also make a perfect gift for Dad or Grandad for his birthday or Christmas.  Oh and it is a good read for Mum and Granny too so start your Christmas shopping now and beat the rush.

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