Seasonal Lifeguard Services Conclude on Friday, 17 January 2025, at the following beaches in the Kouga region:
Pellsrus Beach
Aston Beach and Lagoon
Paradise Beach
Kabeljous Beach and Lagoon
St Francis Main Beach Oyster Bay

Blue Flag Beaches

While the seasonal lifeguard services conclude, lifeguard services will remain operational at Cape St Francis Blue Flag Beach until 28 February and at Dolphin Beach Blue Flag Beach in Jeffreys Bay until the end of April.
Seasonal lifeguards will return from 1 April to 31 April to ensure the safety of swimmers during the school and Easter holidays.
Residents and visitors are reminded that swimming at the above-mentioned beaches without lifeguards is at their own risk.

Kouga Lifeguards Honoured

Kouga Local Municipality celebrated and presented seasonal lifeguards across the Kouga region with certificates of appreciation. The recognition highlights their exceptional dedication and hard work in ensuring the safety of beachgoers throughout the bustling festive season. Their commitment has been instrumental in maintaining a secure and enjoyable environment at Kouga’s beaches.

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