St Francis College Budding business types

Jemma Boonzaier (left) and Saskia May.


St Francis College Grade Seven pupils recently held their annual Entrepreneurs’ Day – and it was a resounding success. Pupils, staff, parents and friends enjoyed homemade treats, hairstyling and nail painting. The young entrepreneurs learned first-hand that running their own trades or businesses is hard work – but fun! Pictured are Jemma Boonzaier (left) and Saskia May.


Photograph: Mariana Van Kradenberg



St Francis College Grade Two girls and boys get set to launch their nautical creations in the school’s annual Marie Biscuit Challenge. Creative teacher Caroline Anderson tasks her pupils with building a boat and placing a Marie Biscuit in it. The boat is then put into the dam on campus…and hopefully makes it to the other side, Marie Biscuit intact!

St Francis College Marie Biscuit Challenge

Photograph : Caroline Anderson.

Articles supplied by Roxanne Litherland and Beth Cooper Howell

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