They Are Returning To Cape St Francis

Way back in August last year a whole bunch of fitness enthusiast who seemingly enjoyed pain and suffering more than most,  enthralled all of St Francis and indeed most of the Kouga region, competing in the African Adventure race hosted by Cape St Francis Resort and organised by Kinetic Events.

Well the Heidi and Stephan are bringing a scaled down version of the race back to Cape St Francis and the greater Kouga area again this coming August. The race will be reduced from the 500 kilometres of last year to 120 kilometres and competitors will be given just 48 hours to complete the course with the leaders expected to finish in under 24 hours. Crazy!

Adventure racing is a multi-discipline endurance sport where competitors compete in teams but this year the teams can be made up of two or four members and there with no mixed gender requirements as was the case last year. The disciplines will include mountain biking, trekking, kayaking and orienteering and teams will need to be able to navigate using a map and landmarks although they will be allowed to use their live tracking that will be available to assist them in their navigation.

So if you enjoy pushing your body to its limits, wandering in harsh environments in the dark, going without sleep for 24 or more hours, then this race is for you so get your entry in early and start training, very hard!.

For those less inclined to exert themselves the race organisers will be asking for volunteers  and no doubt sponsors, to join in what promises to be a shortened but just as enthralling as last year’s event.

Full details on how you can enter, what the race entails and how you can assist  as a volunteer are all set out on the webpage

Kinetic Events adventure race

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