Rotary teams up with Rev-Up Youth for Recycle Swap Shop
Article by Lynette Aitken
The Rotary Recycle Swap Shop Project at God’s Acre, Tarragona Road, Sea Vista was re-opened last week after being suspended at the end of 2015 until such time as a committed volunteer group could be found to take over the monthly running of the project.
The lack of proper security at the precinct had also become a problem with the shop being broken into several times. “We owe a very big vote of thanks to local security experts Calibre Security who have now installed an alarm system in our shop at no cost whatsoever to the project,” said Rotarian project leader Lyn Aitken.
“We are thrilled to announce that the volunteer baton has now been taken up by a dynamic youth group from Sea Vista who call themselves REV-Up along with some hardworking ladies from the Sea Vista ladies walking group and the girls from SONrise.
The kick off for the new team was last Thursday April 6th and the new team worked side by side with some of the “old” team to learn the ropes and get acquainted with the system. The Rotary Satellite Club St Francis will partner with the new volunteer group to provide mentorship and guidance as well as assistance with fundraising and stocking.
For those who are not familiar with the Recycle Swap Shop programme, the basic idea is that primary schoolchildren from disadvantaged communities have the opportunity to collect and sort recycling for which they can earn points which can then be exchanged for goods in the Swap Shop. The Swap Shop stocks basic non-perishable food, hygiene products and school stationery as well as toys, shoes and any other sports equipment or bicycles which are usually donated by the generous community of St Francis and friends. The project is entirely run by volunteers and funded through donations and various fundraising activities. Approximately one third of the costs of stocking the shop come from the sale of the collected recycling to our recycling partner Enviroman.
The Rotary “Rev-Up” Recycle Swap Shop opens for the children of Sea Vista on the first Thursday afternoon of each month, weather permitting. The next date for a swap shop event will be Thursday 5th May from 2-4 p.m. Members of the public are welcome to bring their sorted recycling to the swap shop site on that day between the hours of 9 and 12 noon when a volunteer will be at hand to open up.
For more information on the project e-mail Lyn Aitken at
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