Propaganda or a Life or Death situation – You Decide!
There is no doubt that some SRA detractors will claim the following to be more SRA propaganda but if there is only small chance that this comment on the yesterday’s post “Body of Youngster Recovered” is remotely accurate, this alone is reason enough to support the SFPO efforts to raise funds to fix the beach. .
The comment made by Craig Kilfoil
“As a local surfer with 5 years NSRI behind me, I have been warning anyone that would listen, that what remains of main beach, is no longer safe on a high tide. Late last year, after a few instances where I was less than comfortable myself landing at main beach after surfing; After personally rescuing more than one local young surfer from the water trying to exit at main beach, I predicted that there would be a drowning in December. Unfortunately there was.
Now another.
Beware – Main beach on a high tide is dangerous. The risk needs to be addressed before we lose any more local or visitor lives.
Fixing our beach is now, literally, a life or death situation.”
There certainly were instances on St Francis Bay beaches over the holidays that need to be considered serious (Bathers Saved off Ann Avenue) and sadly now, two drownings.The question needs to be asked, should bathing be banned during high tides or should the Kouga municipality maybe allocate a permanent lifeguard to protect the beach?
The obvious answer would be to fix the beach for it has never been considered a dangerous beach in years gone by.
Just proceed with SRA ASAP…i am from JhB with two properties in st francis…it a no brainer just proceed! The moaners will benefit the most at the end…ignore and proceed
We all wish such a decision would be so easy. Having being involved with the beach since 2005, there will be no quick fix solution and possibly no solution as we could have reached the point of no return? Drownings are real tragedies and our deepest sympathies to those families who have lost a loved one, we must endeavor to minimize these horrors through adequate beach management. Yes the beach is dangerous at high tide but this pointing of fingers at each other will not solve this big question, we need a proper beach management plan: to the big picture – Is what the SRA is offering going to work? In addition the residents of the village and or canals have to weigh up the benefits offered against the 25% levy for a long period of time. Further the levy includes some areas and excludes others – this is a problem as it could be construed as exclusivity? We have been given basic outline of what is to be done and everyone is positive and keen to get going. What we all need to understand is that this process will take time and lots of money and could be bigger than we think – there is no quick fix. The SRA proposal does lack detail which is unfortunate for those who sit on the fence and are undecided. The moans and groans are necessary as this public participation is vital to the success of this project.
It never was in days gone by but the sad reality it is now. The backwash on the high tide will get even experienced swimmers in difficulty if there is swell as there is no easy exit point. Let alone surfers who can swim and have the added advantages of a wetsuit and flotation device attached to their leg. We all know what the problem is, how it can’t really be fixed in the short term and realistically I see no quick fix. Take a drive to the best beach in South Africa and swim there? CSF beach also has deadly rips for the uninitiated. I ‘saved’ a few people when I was swimming there this Xmas break and helped the lifies do less work as is what you do when you are a waterperson. The locals put up signs at the entry to the beach to help people become aware. Perhaps that is in order in the short term? I feel for the kid’s family, my lightie is around the same age.
Yes, CSF’s main beach is very dangerous at this moment. The lifesavers are still present.
The SFPO is accused by some that the SRA proposal lacks detail. We have explained that Advisian are designing the solution for the beach. This project is being funded by a small group of property owners and not the town as a whole. We have given feedback on Advisian’s preliminary design and estimated costs. What more can we do? Their final recommendations will be delivered by the end of February. DEDEAT will not allow us to fix the beach without Advisian’s recommendations as to the most appropriate solution, and the design of that solution. This is not a multiple choice exam of simple rights and wrongs. This is a complex process we are navigating through. There is no guarantee of success, but better a plan than no plan at all. We have watched the beach disappear over the past 10 years, tried a few things that failed, and look where it has got us as a town. We have failed. It is time to face reality and do what is necessary to restore our beach. It will cost a lot of money, but the cost will be small compared to the loss of value this town has and will continue to experience through loss of tourism and declining property values. We are pursuing possible funding from various Government departments. We cannot, however, afford to wait any longer in the hope that Government will accept its responsibility and fix these environmental issues. If and when Government funding is made available then we will reduce the levy accordingly. Bear in mind that the SRA levy will only fund half of what we have proposed. The balance is coming from various other sources including the St Francis Bay Canal Home Owners Association, The Kromme Joint River Committee, the Port and the Kouga Municipality.
It is time that the objectors to the SRA proposal need to start looking at the big picture. Yes the main concern is the beach and the spit but it is much broader than that and includes the roads, crime and other aspects. The people opposing don’t want to accept that these SRA’s are now a fact of life in many parts of South Africa and in fact precede the current ANC government having been started in the major City centres albeit in a different form. The exact debates and negatives were raised way back and the only way to make a start was to reduce the size or reach of the areas being considered until one is able to get an area that has substantial support. Over time the are can be extended to include other sections or parts once they follow an appropriate process and achieve a majority vote from that new component area. With due respect to Mr Silberbauer’s comment he is getting hung up on the process of the things he has technical knowledge on. Yes we do need a beach management plan but we also need a plan for management of our decaying infrastructure, we also need a plan to deal with the ever increasing crime in the area which is almost guaranteed to get worse but how do you propose that will happen unless we as members of the community get together and form a body that is able and capable of engaging on these aspects. So stop moaning and groaning and coming up with reasons not to do anything now and get behind this well intentioned effort that really considers a much bigger picture than just the numerous views on how to save the beach. The SRA will not be able to do anything that is not permitted legally and goes through the proper processes and forums. Their proposal does however provide a basis to engage with the authorities and the community to find solutions and yes there is a cost which to date they have borne from their own personal funds with the support of a few Genuine community members who do take to heart the actual dilemma we currently face and want to get something done. Show me a single initiative from any of the negative responders that puts forward an alternative solution other to sit on your hands until it is too late. The debate needs to be with the authorities and not within our community group who divided will achieve nothing. Support the SRA for the long term benefit to our community.
We are currently living in a SRA community in CT and it is absolutely the best way of moving forward- improved security and planning and a host of positive consequences
A local SFB initiative really should be supported because it gets things DONE