Prime Timers visit Birdsong Farm

Following their 3 night away trip to George they still had their monthly outing to Birdsong Farm this past weekend. This was a
relaxing happy day which everyone appreciated after a  busy trip.  At the kind invitation of Hans and Ulla the Prime Timers brought their chairs, picnics and drinks and enjoyed a lovely sunny day on Birdsong Farm.

The weather was perfect, the members moved from one group to another chatting and sharing food, enjoying the scenery and the social event.  Hans took parties of members for game drives through the farm where several species of buck were grazing and sweet Laura the donkey even tried to get a lift back in the vehicle which gave members plenty of amusement.   The farm with it’s mountain scenery was a perfect setting for a perfect day,

Prime Timers social club for retired people enjoy regular monthly outings, lunches, concerts, picnics and social get togethers,  membership details available from Paulene Hardy  042 2940301……..   084 7897801

Prime Timers at Birdsong Farm

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