PJ Powers at Rock Lily

This show is a stripped-down look at songs from the PJ Powers’ long and colourful career in the South African music industry.

R100pp – Bookings Essential!

Limited seats – tickets available at Rock Lily or Kouga Print and Design (St Francis Bay). Or contact: 042 940 0174.

All of the well-loved hits are there, from unplugged versions of Feel So Strong, through The World in Union and her ode to the Stadium she got to know so well while performing in Soweto in the 80s – Jabulani. Included, too are her latest hits, Destiny and Stay that are enjoying airplay at the moment.
She is accompanied by Knysna-based Tigger Reunert on acoustic guitar and weaves a beautiful and nostalgic tale covering the last thirty years in a show that sees them performing together again after touring extensively in the nineties and noughties.
PJ has been busy. She has written a book, she is writing songs and she has been singing all over the world.
The audience gets an insight into ‘PJ Powers – The Person’ through stories and songs in an intimate environment that is spellbinding.

PJ Powers at Rock Lily - Cape St Francis

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