A little Monday comtroversy – Agree or Disagree

e-Mail received from a reader

Let’s predict the future of our town. The conversation goes like this.

Dad – “Hey kids, great news! We are going to St Francis again this year for our Christmas holidays ! ”
Kids – “Aah Dad – but there’s no beach”

The reader feels only one question remains. “Is their a direct correlation between the value of St Francis Bay properties and the amount of sand on main beach as we head quickly towards having no beach at all ? No beach is now likely to happen within 6 to 9 months as we add revetments that aide not prevent sand loss. When the Vallies get here they will have a few choice words for us locals, I expect.”

On the other hand — should we rather let nature take its course by doing nothing as the sea encroaches on our shoreline?

What do you think? Add your comments below.

St Francis Bay at high tide

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