NSRI STATION 21 - St Francis BayNSRI East London duty crew were activated by the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) on Monday following reports of a drowning in progress at Glen Eden, North of East London.

The Sea Rescue craft Spirit of Rotary II was launched and an NSRI rescue vehicle, EC Government Health EMS, an EMS rescue helicopter and the SA Police Services responded.

On arrival on the scene a sea, shore and air search commenced for a 12 year old child reported to have been swept out to sea by rip currents while swimming with a group of fellow learners. They are on a school excursion from a King Williams Town junior school.

The body of the child was located in the surf by rescuers aboard the EMS rescue helicopter and the sea rescue craft was directed to the location where the body was recovered onto the sea rescue craft and the body was brought onto the beach where EMS paramedics declared the child deceased.

It appears that a group of learners, believed to be at least 20 learners, from a junior school in King Williams Town, were visiting the beach accompanied by school staff.

At Spring low tide it appears that some children were swimming together when the 12 year old child was swept out to sea by rip currents.

The body of the child has been handed into the care of the Forensic Pathology Services and Police have opened an inquest docket.

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