A reminder that we all need to save water
Dam Levels 23rd July
Combined levels within the NMB catchment area have fallen further over the past fortnight and now stand at 18.85% and it seems a drier than usual spring is forecast. With the summer weather we are experiencing levels will do drop further so we will all need to tray even harder to save water .
Dam Levels 11th July
While the Western Cape Dams have risen dramatically over the past few weeks dam levels in the major dams supplying NMB have fallen another 0.5% with Kouga now at just 7.5% and Churchill a little over 16%. It has been reported that this is the driest year for Port Elizabeth since 1970 and the second driest since 1960.
Dam Levels 2nd July
Let not the rains yesterday fool anyone for even though we had some wonderful downpours we are still in extreme drought conditions even if our lawns are nice and green. It is important to note that the readings below are prior to the rains of yesterday but it is unlikely much has so our water situation becomes more desperate by the day. While the Western Cape is experiencing near flood conditions the Eastern Cape remains dry with the NMB storage dams effectively having dropped a further 0.5%
Dam Levels 19th June
With the little rain we have received recently at least our dam levels have stabilised in that they have improved but only very, very slightly. Coming off already seriously low levels we are certainly no nearer out of the grips of the drought and need to make even more effort to save water.
Dam Levels 4th June
In spite of the wonderful rains we experienced on Friday and Sunday morning it seems it has done our dam system little good with the combined dam levels in the Nelson Mandela Dam system actually falling 0.5% from 21.73% last week to 21.24%. Whilst Cape Town has received good rains in some of the major catchment areas there dams are far from overflowing but surely their plight is not, and never has been, more critical than ours in the Eastern Cape in spite of all the press coverage and tons and tons of water aid sent from around South Africa in case they were to tun out of water. The Easter Cape truly is the poor cousin.
Dit reën eers in die lente hier. Ek hoop dit gebeur wel hierdie jaar.