News in Brief – 30th May
ntareme Brothers arrested for possession of dagga
Two Santareme brothers have appeared in court yesterday on charges of cultivating and the possession of dagga. Police spokesperson, Sergeant Majola Nkohli, Michael Hill (38) and Jonathan Hill (30), were granted bail of R1000 each. They were arrested on Sunday evening after a legal search of a property in Porto Cervo Rd, Santarene, in St Francis Bay.. Police seized dagga trees, dagga tubes and dagga bompies valued around R45 000. The case was postponed to Tuesday, 12 June, for further investigation.
NSRI Buoy missing
The Pink Buoy at St Francis has gone missing. These buoys are used as flotation aids for rescue. We have had a few go missing at beaches around the country but we have a very high success rate once the community buys NSRIin and people realise that it could save a life. Please help us return it to its spot.
Spring Tide Alert
NSRI urges the public to be aware and to to be cautious around the coastline for the remainder of this week and into the coming weekend as the Full Moon Spring Tide peaks tomorrow, Tuesday, 29th May, with the Full Moon.
The higher than normal high tide, lower than normal low tide and stronger than normal rip currents brought on by the Spring Tide will last into the weekend. Rough sea conditions brought on by cold fronts and high wind speeds around the coastline, together with the Full Moon Spring Tide, will result in unfavourable and rough sea conditions around the coastline.
NSRI urge public members walking and hiking along the coastline, anglers fishing from the shoreline, boaters, deep-sea fishermen, sailors and sailboarders, surfers and paddlers to excise caution.
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