One of the matters brought up in the meeting of the St Francis Bay Residents Association evening by Wayne Furphy was the matter of better internet connectivity in the area. Certainly the service has deteriorated over the past few weeks and publishing this newsletter has become a nightmare at times. In fact we missed our 7:45 deadline yesterday, the first time in 4 months simply because we could not secure a stable connection. Now imagine those who rely on their internet connection to conduct everyday business. And the holidaymakers haven’t even arrived yet to put more strain on the network.

Here is an update on the Vodacom Towers sent to us by Rod Suter. Thanks Rod, much appreciated.

Further to the previous update on 4 November, the current status of the proposed erection of three new Vodacom masts in SFB :

  • Our DA​ Ward Representative, Ben Rheeder, has now held the meeting to discuss the matter with the Municipal Manager. It was established that all work by Vodacom on these towers was halted, and this decision has been confirmed in writing.
  • Vodacom have now withdrawn their proposal for the mast in Esmaralda Road, and are actively looking for an alternative location.
  • However, Vodacom wish to proceed as soon as possible with the other two locations (Cove, Shore Road and cnr. St Francis Drive/Neville Road).
  • Their objective is to install the masts prior to the holiday season.
  • They are holding discussions with the Municipality to expedite approval and have commenced advertising for objections
  • These masts appear to have morphed into temporary “Lamp Posts”, 15 m high.
  • The Vodacom proposals for the Cove, Shore Road and cnr. St Francis Drive/Neville Road sites have received the support of both the DA Ward Committee and the St Francis Bay Residents Association Committee.
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