Our new mayor is already making a difference

It is said that Rome wasn’t built in a day but Mayor van Lingen is already making a difference. Having been in office for a little over a week it amazing to see things actually getting done after years of neglect. Attending the Sea Vista pet clinic run by St F Animal Rescue yesterday, it was great to see municipal workers piling mountains of discarded junk into skips on Steenbras road. The pile seemed never ending and during the two hours we were there they worked diligently without stopping to chat or ‘lean on their spades’.

Considering the recent flooding in Sea Vista it may be an idea to clean out the stormwater drains. The drain at the entrance to the playing field is so full of junk and rocks ot is impossible for water to flow freely which cerainly won’t help reduce chances of homes being flooded. Possibly there are other drais in the viscinity that coud do with a good clean out.

Another very noticeable action was filling the potholes that made up the Da Gama Slalom Run in Cape St Francis. At last one can drive in a straight line rather than having to hone one’s driving skills avoiding the dongas.

But most interesting of all is the news that appeared in yesterday’s Kouga Democrat where Mayor van Lingen has just possibly uncovered some interesting development regarding Thyspunt. Is there something sinister? Who knows but we can be assured that if there is, our new Mayor will, we are sure, expose it.

Read the Kouga Democrat article if you haven’t already seen it.

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