Call to support Neighbourhood Watch

An advert on the newsletter today is a call for local St Francis Bay residents to joinNeighbourhood Watch and help with patrolling the empty streets at night for it is presently being supported by only a handful of concerned residents.

In past articles on the subject of Neighbourhood Watch St Francis has commented that sadly this is the reality of such initiatives. Initially they are well supported but after a short while and being left to only enthusiasm wains and fewer and fewer people are prepared to participate.

The only real answer is for CCTV cameras to be installed and with the technology available today, these are being proved to be extremely efficient in curbing crime. Unfortunately these systems cost money to firstly install and then to have people effectively monitor. An example of their effectiveness is Cape St Francis Resort where incidences of breaking has virtually been eliminated almost purely because word is out to the local criminals.

One of the items on the St Francis Property Owners SRA proposal is the installation of CCTV but in the interim St Francis Bay needs to make the best of what they have and that is an active Neighbourhood Watch.

So give them a call on 082 367 9947 or e-mail them at The more volunteers, the fewer shifts, the more crime will be contained.

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