Nautical Festival planning to commence for 2017

Nautical FestinalPlanning for the Nautical Festival 2017 is due to commence and a new organising committee needs to be selected. With that in mind, the present organising committee invite the St Francis community and stakeholders to attend a feedback and appraisal meeting.  This will be held at the Balobi Seafood Market on the 15th of June, 5pm -6:30pm. It is hoped that the community will come forward with suggestions on how the success of the last Festival can be improved upon with fresh ideas for an even more exciting event.

“This is after all an event which strives to attract visitors to discover and enjoy what our special corner of the Eastern Cape can offer –  to the benefit of all in the greater St Francis community,” said Festival spokesperson Janet Harrison.

“Building a reputation for any annual event takes time. However the Nautical Festival is definitely growing bigger and better each year, with increasing numbers of visitors and more enthusiastic community support.

“With each event we have learned from our experiences and this year we went to extra lengths to make sure the infrastructure for the festival would be more secure and weather proof for both the service providers and the public.

“For the 2017 event  we are securing the date on the Kouga Events calendar a year in advance. We hope to form the new committee by the end July this year with at least one representative from each sector of our community i.e. Canals, Village, Port and Cape St Francis, the Business community and Residents Association.

“Most importantly we will be working hard on securing a blanket sponsorship to cover the main costs which would enable us to put a crowd pleasing programme together,” Harrison concluded.

For more information or to confirm your attendance please call Marissa on 042-294-0162 or e-mail

Article – Lynette Aitken