A slice of humour seasoned with Mrs Ball’s Chutney

Barrie Thomson a raconteur from Jeffreys Bay entertained a group of Prime Timers at St Francis Links last Friday to a most enjoyable hour discussing both the myths and the known facts about a South African table condiment, Mrs Balls Chutney. From shipwrecks off East London to the original Mr Ball’s Chutney factory in Cape Town it seems uncertain as to exactly where the chutney was first created but it seems most likely, according to Barrie, that it definitely has its roots in the Eastern Cape.

Barrie certainly made what could have been a somewhat boring presentation not only extremely interesting but also rather humorous and had the audience chuckling away at both his quips and his graphic cartoons. Barrie apparently creates cartoons and crossword puzzles for People magazine.

Without going into the detail of Mr Ball’s creation if you have opportunity to listen to Barrie talk on the subject it really is worth listening to him. The amount of research he has put together to say nothing of photographs of the young Mrs Ball and her family is quite astounding considering the subject matter does not seem that interesting until you actually listen to Barrie tell the tale.

The talk was followed by lunch provided by Chef Jono at St Francis Links. Chef Jono gave diners a choice of Chicken or Fish and I ordered the fish and must complement the chef for it was one of the tastiest and well prepared fish dishes I have tasted in St Francis in a long time.

A last word on Mrs Ball’s – Although traditionally sold in glass bottles the manufacturers are now bottling it in plastic bottles. This truly I unacceptable and they should rethink their packaging as should every other supplier who supplies product in plastic bottle rather than glass. Plastic is killing our planet

Prime Timers is a club started and co-ordinated by Paulene Hardy who organises monthly lunches, events and travels around the Eastern Cape. Their next event (for September) is an outing to Addo Elephant Park. Should you with to find out more or join Prime Timers give Paulene a call on 084 789 7801 or e-Mail her on cphardy@isat.co.za or visit the Prime Timers Facebook page

Prime Timers lunch at St Francis Links

Prime Timers lunch at St Francis Links

Prime Timers lunch at St Francis Links

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