Kromme Environmental talk

The St Francis Kromme Trust is moving to a more contemporary approach, starting with a name change. It is now called the “Kromme Enviro-Trust” (St Francis Bay). The Trust is fortunate to have Dr Tommy Bornman address St Francis Bay residents in November on a topic that is of great interest to all.

The title of his talk will be: Long-term ecological research in the Kromme Estuary and St Francis Bay: What has changed, why is it changing and is there anything we can do about it?

The South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) is a business unit of the National Research Foundation (NRF) that is mandated by the Department of Science and Technology to conduct global change research. Dr Bornman is the manager of the Elwandle Coastal Node of SAEON, based in Port Elizabeth, and their task is to establish long-term observatories in the coastal and nearshore environment to deliver long-term reliable data for scientific research and to inform policy and decision making. St Francis Bay forms part of the Algoa Bay Sentinel Site for LTER, one of the best monitored coastal areas in Africa and data has been collected in the Bay and the Kromme Estuary since 2012.

It is a very busy time of the year for him as he will be leaving for Antarctica in December so we are fortunate to have him address us.

RSVP Yvonne Bosman 042 294 0842 or 083 235 8278 or by e-mail for catering purposes.

Please feel free to ask others who may be interested to join us but let me have their names.

About Dr Tommy Bornman

Date:                     23 November 2016

Time:                     15h30

Venue:                 Heritage Centre, Harbour Road

Speaker:              Dr Tommy Bornman

Format:                Talk to be followed by wine and snacks

Cost:                      R50 per person (as this is a fund raising effort for the Kromme Enviro-Trust).


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