Here is another entry into our SFT writing contest by a writer who wishes to remain anonymous. Some pretty funny stuff in there – editor.
Local Limericks
There is a young man at the SPAR,
who originally came from De Aar.
He arrived here with hope,
vowed always to cope
and now he’s the winner by far.
Masters Swimming Group
In the morning, they go to the pool,
and jump in despite it being cool.
They all have some fun,
fight over lane one
then wrap up after in wool.
The Links
What a wonderful place is The Links.
Jack’s Bar for some late arvie drinks.
The most amazing food,
naked burgers are so good…
like a long-distance putt when it sinks
It’s an awesome place, the wild side,
a lovely place for a bike ride.
A long-distance run
can be so much fun,
you can even walk there when it’s high tide.
Surfing at Bruces
Head to Bruce’s to catch a quick wave.
A barrel there’s just like a cave.
PE ou’s manners are min!
They always love to drop in.
Especially that big guy called Dave
Nothing rhymes with avocado.
In poetry, it is sheer bravado
I’m trying to think,
now I’m starting to drink.
I’m soon going to need a Panado
Local Haiku’s
walking to the beach,
a sudden splash. what was that?
walking from the beach
the foghorn blares loud
in the middle of the day
load shedding is done
Morning Medicine
uppers, downers, sideways pills
it balances out
darn. there’s no power
there’s zero power again
gin and tonic time
the ageing process
reading glasses everywhere
and a walking stick
ice cold immersions
doing the Wim Hoff method
I can’t feel my feet
by anony – mouse
Oh those Haiku – magnificent
Smiles and goosebumps
What’s with all the brilliance which will not own up to itself?