The Kromme Joint River Committee wishes to welcome all visitors and locals to the Kromme River and trusts that everyone will enjoy all the river has to offer over the December/January festive period.

The authorised EIA for the Spit and Beach is still in place, and once work commences, sand will be dredged from the river to replenish the Beach. Unfortunately, no dredging will be allowed until the project begins. Due to the ongoing silting of the river, it is essential to note that the navigable channels are still extremely narrow and shallow in places. Special care must, therefore, be taken when cruising up or down the river.

Changing River Mouth

The River Mouth keeps changing, and care must be taken when exiting from Ski Canal to the river and sea or cruising down the river and exiting through the Mouth to the sea. Strong currents are present at the Mouth, and it is advisable not to engage in swimming activity in the Mouth and basin area.

The red and green buoys are there to assist with indicating the navigable channel. Still, they are only a guide for safe traversing of the river. It must be stressed that when cruising up the river from the sea, the green buoys should be on the righthand side of the craft. When moving down the river towards the sea, the red buoys should be on the righthand side of the craft.

The map below, which is also handed out with every application for a River permit, indicates the various travel zones on the river, and more copies are available at the Harbour Office. The guidelines shown on the map must always be adhered to.

Kromme River Welcomes Holiday-Makers

 It needs to be pointed out again that the Geelhout River is a conservancy area, and a “No Wake Zone” is applicable on the entire length of this river. Jet boats are also prohibited from using this river or any part thereof. Please adhere to the relevant signs in place.

For the safety of all River users, it has become necessary to implement specific changes during the busy holiday season. 

No Wake Zone

Kromme River Welcomes Holiday-Makers, but In the Mouth and basin area, the number of boats and kite surfers, windsurfers, foil surfers, paddlers has increased. It has therefore been decided that the stretch of river from the “pink house” on the Jeffreys Bay side of the Mouth to Ski Canal will be a “No Wake Zone” for all motorised craft. Similarly, from the end of the Ski Canal to the “pink house”, a “No Wake Zone” will also apply. Please strictly adhere to the signs in place from both sides.

Jetskis will not be allowed to enter the river past a sign indicating “NO JET SKIS BEYOND THIS POINT”. All jet skis must turn right immediately from the end of the Ski Canal towards the sea, and a “No Wake Zone” will apply from the end of the Ski Canal to the Spit, whereafter speed may be increased. Likewise, when jetskis return from the sea, the “No Wake Zone” will apply from the end of the Spit to Ski Canal before turning right immediately into Ski Canal. Boats exiting or entering the Mouth must also obey this particular “No Wake Zone”.

Kromme River Welcomes Holiday-Makers

Blue and Yellow buoys are placed in the Mouth and basin area to indicate a safe area for non-motorised activities, and motorised craft are not to enter these zones.

River Patrol Officers

Please obey the signs in place. The map below shows the relevant “No Wake Zones” applicable to motorised craft and jetskis.

There will again be River Patrol Officers on duty during the holiday season, and they are there to ensure that everyone can enjoy their well-deserved break safely and responsibly.

River users are also requested to please refrain from playing loud music and making unnecessary noise, as this is causing a disturbance to homeowners along the river.

NB: Please remember the following:

  • The skipper’s licence must be available on the craft at all times.
  • A copy of the COF must be available on the craft at all times.
  • Skiing and tubing may only take place in the demarcated Ski Zone area.
  • Tubing, in particular, may only take place in a straight line.
  • Cautionary signs on the river must be taken note of and adhered to whilst speeding in these areas must be avoided.
  • “Scurfing” is not allowed on the river as this causes severe erosion of the River banks.
  • Refrain from unruly behaviour and/or disturbance.
  • Jetskis are not permitted on the river and must exit from Ski Canal directly to the sea.

Jetskis are not allowed to go beyond the sign at the end of the Spit.

The above-mentioned are just some of the by-laws and rules applicable for the use of the river and are there to ensure the safety of River users for maximum enjoyment and holiday fun.

Read More here –

See also: Kouga Municipality proudly raises prestigious Blue Flag – Three Beaches Awarded, Including Cape St Francis


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