Calling all boaters and others who will be on the Kromme during the holidays

“The holiday season has arrived and the Kromme Joint River Committee wishes to welcome all visitors and particularly those who will be boating and skiing on the Kromme River over this period. In the interest of safety for all river users, the Committee wishes to remind everyone of the following:

A map indicating the various zones on the Kromme River is handed out with every application for a river permit and it is important to stick to the guidelines as indicated on the map in addition to the bylaws recorded on the back of the application form.

The navigable channel on the Kromme River is marked by red and green buoys. In terms of international maritime law, the green buoys will be on the right when going up river from the mouth. Coming down river towards the mouth, the red buoys will be on the right. It is important for craft to stay between the buoys as this is generally the safest way to proceed.

There are places where the navigable channel is very narrow and speed must be reduced and caution exercised when reaching these places. Additional signs have been erected to indicate the narrow sections and skippers of craft must please slow down and stop if necessary should there be craft approaching from the opposite side. The sand banks tend to move from time to time at these narrow channels and caution must be exercised at all times. In the interest of safety, skippers are requested to please take note of and adhere to all signs erected on the Kromme River.

The buoys on the Kromme River is the property of the Kromme Joint River Committee and care must be taken not to damage or wilfully disturb any of the buoys and nor may any buoy be removed.

It is important to note that there is a time difference of one to two hours between the high and low tides in the upper areas of the Kromme River compared to that at the river mouth or the canals. Skippers of craft should therefore be aware of and take this into account when proceeding up the Kromme River.

Jet Skis are not allowed on the Kromme River or in the basin past the river mouth. Jet Skis are to exit the canals only from Ski Canal directly to the sea.

The “NO SKI ZONE” stretches all the way from the river mouth to past River Tides where a sign indicates the start of the Ski Zone. No skiing, tubing or any similar activity is allowed in the “NO SKI ZONE” as the navigable channel is very shallow and narrow and failure to observe this restriction may result in injury to skiers and people on tubes etc.

A copy of the skipper’s ticket must be carried on the craft at all times and be produced for verification when requested.

River patrols will be in operation to monitor and control craft on the river. A fine that may be issued for a transgression will be an official summons with a date to appear in court in the event that the fine is not paid by the due date.

The Kromme Joint River Committee wishes everyone a safe and happy festive season and a prosperous New Year.”


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