The Kromme Enviro Trust (St Francis Bay) is fortunate to have Prof Tris Wooldridge address us next week on “The Estuary Management Plan for the Seekoei Estuary and the environmental pressures that brought about the need for a management plan”.

Prof Wooldridge, former head of and currently a Research Associate in the Zoology Department at Nelson Mandela University, heads up the team working on the Seekoei Estuary Environmental Plan. As some key issues there also relate to the Kromme River he can illustrate the complexity of the situation brought about by decades of poor planning and decision making. His research focus on estuaries and the ecology of sandy beaches and adjacent surf zones has taken him on fieldwork to regions from Antarctica to Zanzibar.

RSVP Mandy McGregor or 042 294 0364 or 083 232 2217 for catering purposes



DATE: Wed 14th March 2018

TIME: 15h15

VENUE: St Francis United Church, cnr St Francis Drive, and Walton Rd

SPEAKER: Prof Tristram Wooldridge

FORMAT: Talk to be followed by wine and snacks

COST: R50 per person


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