Thanks  to the photographer
By the time you read this article, the Kouga Dam will be north of 80% full. It is expected to overflow by the end of the weekend. The recent rains have finally fallen well and truly in the catchment areas and the dams have been getting the lion’s share of the run-off. It has been a long time in coming, but we are now very close to the combined total of 65% amongst all of our Kouga region dames, which will officially indicate the end of the drought.
This is from the Gamtoos Irrigation Board
Kouga dam 79% @ 15h00 on 27 September 2023.
The Horseshoe just past Rooihoek. At the bottom, the Baviaans River flows into the Kouga River.
Die perdeskoen net verby Rooihoek. Aan die onderkant is Baviaans rivier besig om in Kouga Rivier in te loop.
Stuurmanskraal is flowing at 150,000 litres per second. We expect the dam to overflow by Friday. Over the past 5 hours, 5 million cubic meters of water ran into Kouga. That is nearly twice the volume of Loerie Dam.
Stuurmans vloei teen 150 000 liter per sekonde. Ons verwag dat Kouga teen Vrydag sal oorloop. Gedurende die laaste 5 uur het 5 miljoen kubieke meter water in Kouga ingevloei. Dis bykans 2 maal die volume van Loerie dam.
See the video from Garth Sampson, The Weather Guru
The Churchill Dam is expected to overflow during the course of today if it hasn’t yet. the run-off heads for the Impofu dam