Some notes on St Francis


Richard Arderne

A Few Improvements Over The Last Ten Years

  1. Sports: paddling, cycling, running and open-water swimming clubs have been established, with weekly time trials, plus regular events. New MTB route. Two new indoor pools and two new gyms, plus a proliferation of yoga, pilates, boxing and various other similar (and some very different!) activities. Parkrun. Soccer and paddling development coaching … and much more. And the Chokka Trail. (And of course the old favourites … eg surfing, fishing, boating, tennis, squash, golf).


  1. Infrastructure: upgraded sewerage plant, re-surfaced arterial roads, new Sand River bridge, spit protected, entrance circle and surrounds upgraded, wheelie bins provided, security cameras.


  1. Facilities: fire station re-opened, recycling facility, new Sea Vista Primary, Talhado and Disney Creche upgraded, Sea Vista library, lighthouse buildings upgraded and climbing the lighthouse allowed again.


  1. Nature: upgraded walks and nature areas by Foster and the Kromme Enviro Trust.


  1. Canals: now run by canal owners, with much upgrading eg the canal harbour area.


  1. SRA set up funding mechanism for the beach erosion.


  1. Retail: new coffee shops and restaurants, some on the water’s edge: Quays and Bruce’s. Our own bakery, and vegan food. New retail energy in Cape St Francis. SuperSpar refurbished. Easy deliveries have made online shopping so much easier.


  1. Many new visitors and permanent residents…many of them young families, creating work for many, including builders (and estate agents!) More secure estates being developed.


  1. Monthly Markets, the Calamari Festival, and the Flash Float (and the “Doggie Dash” Float too). The Kromme Descent Swim.


  1. Most of us prefer wind farms to a nuclear power station!