Kromme Enviro Trust

Attack on Coastal Litter on International Coastal Cleanup Day

The Kromme Enviro-Trust is organising a mass attack on the litter around our coastline, from the Kromme to the  Wild Side.

When:  International Coastal Cleanup Day, Saturday 17 September

Where:  Meet at Cape St Francis Lighthouse 9 a.m.

Litter bags supplied

All hands needed, from the youngest to the oldest.    Bring your braai tongs if bending is a problem.

Stickers to all participants

Bring:    Hat, sunscreen, walking shoes,

Prizes for most litter collected (team and individual prizes), and for strangest items found

One plastic bottle picked up is one less on the beach.

One plastic bag picked up is one less turtle fatality.

For more info please call Warren Manser on 083-305-1718 OR John Suckling on 082-554-1178.

Every year thousands of tons of garbage winds up in the oceans, with 60% of that being composed of plastic material. Plastics especially last a very long time in the ocean, and are in such abundance that there are 46,000 individual pieces of plastic litter for every square mile of ocean. Plastics are very hazardous to marine life, killing more than a million birds and over 100,000 seals, turtles, and whales, and an immense number of fish in our ocean. Coastal Cleanup Day encourages us to get out to our beaches and help to limit this problem by cleaning up the garbage that has washed up on shore, and that left by visitors every day. …. Read More


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