Kromme Joint River Committee thank boating enthusiasts and ask that they continue to use the river in a responsible manner

“We are very pleased to be able to report that we have come through the summer season without any major incidents on the river. We thank all the boating enthusiasts for that and ask that you continue to use the river for your boating pleasure in a responsible manner.

The Kromme has seen a number of significant sporting events take place of recent, such as ski/canoe races, swimming events, fishing competitions, etc and we appeal to the various sporting bodies/schools when planning to hold these events to advise the KJRC of their intentions as invariably safety back-up is required and we will always be very willing to assist. Contact Naas Marais -042 294 0978 / 083 427 5356 to arrange.

The safety of all river users is and remains of paramount importance and therefore it must be noted the sandbanks/channels are continually changing and although we monitor these changes closely and re-position the marker buoys when necessary these buoys are only a guide, the responsibility for safe passage rests with the skipper.

Green (starboard) buoys are to be kept on ones right when entering a waterway i.e. going upstream and the opposite applies when exiting i.e. going downstream the red (port) buoys are kept to your right.

Fishermen are reminded, as per the municipal bye-laws to please not anchor in the middle of a channel to fish as this makes it sometimes difficult for boats to pass, particularly in narrow channels.

Our patrol officer, Nicholaas Windvogel is on duty most days, when off John Scott stands in for him therefore any inappropriate, potentially dangerous behaviour and or noise pollution be observed please report this to the patrol officer who can be contacted on 073 871 9252. If at all possible it would help us to identify the offending party if the vessels registration number or better still a picture could be taken in order that the matter may be followed up if necessary.


KJRC River Patrol Officers John Scott and Nicklaas Windvogel on duty aboard their patrol craft “Lambordinghy”

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