Hat and Hound Classic

Who will be the “Top Dog 2016”

The hunt is on once again for the TOP DOG of 2015 in the 16th HAT & HOUND CLASSIC

This annual event promises to be as much fun as in previous years and will be held on 29th December at St Francis Bay Golf Club. The format will be Indiviual Stableford with a COLOURED BALL twist, Prizes are on offer for nearest pin (Men & Ladies), longest drive (Men & Ladies) and even if you are having a really bad day, there is a prize for the Longest Day. golf-balls Now if that isn’t motivation enough to get your entry in right now, maybe this will entice you! One lucky player could walk off with an Audi A1 kindly sponsored by Audi Centre Sandton, that is up for grabs for a Hole-in-One.

Audi A1

Audi A1 for a hole in one at Hat & Hound Golf Competition. Sponsored by Audi Centre Sandton

So get your entry in now and maybe get an early tee-off so nobody can claim this fantastic prize before you get to play the hole.   All proceeds go to the Eastern Cape Transplant Sports Association – a very worthy cause.

The entry fee of R790.00 includes:-

  • Green Fee
  • A Shirt
  • A Donation of R400.00 per player to SATSA
  • Entry for the Audi A1 Hole-in-one-competition
  • And prizes

After the day’s golf there will live music from 4:00 pm until 9:00 pm.

An interesting snippet

We came across some really interesting news whilst compiling this article that few in St Francis are probably aware of. Heilie Uys of Cape St Francis and Ladies Captain at St Francis Bay Golf Club, participated in the World Transplant Games in Argentina in August this year and came away with SIX GOLD MEDALS. The medals were for:

  • Golf (2 golds) One gold won with partner ex-Humansdorper JP Cawood
  • Shot Put
  • Discus
  • Javelin
  • Ball-Throw

A very belated congratulations to Heilie! A champion in our midst with many of us were unaware of your accomplishments.. Gold-medal-Winners Photo from http://www.transplantsports.org.za/EasternCapeNewsletter.pdf

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