A reader commented yesterday there is not enough good news and how much bad news we publish on St Francis Today. We must agree for it seems the past weeks have been filled with nothing butterror, death and destruction. The London Bridge terror attack; the Cape storms and the horrific scenes of the destruction of the Knysna fires followed by our very own fires around Kouga and NMB that saw further destruction including severe damage to the iconic Woodridge College.  And just when we thought it was at an end we had the absolutely awful Grenfell Towers disaster where the death toll climbs by the day with more bodies stillexpected to be pulled from the ruins of what was once home to hundreds.

Surely there could be no more bad news but then news of the 60 souls lost in the fires in Portugal and the van running into a crowd leaving a Mosque in London followed the same day with the Champs Elysees attack on the police. Then the hostage drama in Mali where four tourists were killed to say nothing of the ongoing human tragedy being inflicted by ISIS on the citizens of Mosul, Raqqa and others not forgetting the seven sailors lost in the USS Fitzgerald collision with a container ship and the passing of US student Otto Warmbier held so long by the North Koreans only released when he was at death’s door.

My goodness the bad / sad news seems endless but hopefully some good news on its way!

With the weather predicted to be somewhat inclement for the next few days it may be bad news for some but for others who love nothing better than diving under the duvet with a good book, possibly it is good news for some. If you are looking for something to warm you up you really should rush to Get-A-Fix for a dish of their really delicious tomato soup with feta and garlic roasted croutons. I had a plate yesterday and all I can comment is ‘absolutely delicious’, just enough to warm the cockles. While there pick up a take-away of one of their lasagne’s. I had their spinach and feta for supper last night, scrumptious!

Of course today is Tuesday and that is good news for us oldies with pensioner offers at Spar, the Butcher Shop and for the ladies, a pedicure and mini manicure for only R120 at Pop-In Beauty & Nail Bar.

Good news for furry friend lovers, St Francis Animal Rescue has being doing some wonderful work at finding homes for unwanted pets, some misplaced by the recent fires, so if you are looking for a furry friend be sure to visit the SFAR Facebook page rather than going out and buying a pet.

St Francis Today will make an effort to find some good news going forward so if any readers have anything to share that is good news please mail us on news@stfrancistoday.com.dedi358.cpt4.host-h.net or Whatsapp or call us on 082 554 0796.

Shar Pei

In photo Kirsten Doyle with the Shar Pei rescued after having been tied to a stake with fire approaching in Thornhill. It has been re-homed by St Francis Animal Rescue with Johannesburg resident Alexandra Williamson who has two Shar peis (plus a Husky and Pitbull), and lost her heart to this boy’s tragic story.

Shar pei

Shar pei soon after being recued from his frightening ordeal


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